Hiring a Perth Wedding Celebrant

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You’ve been planning that special day for a very long time and you have completely gone through your list of items, you’ve found you’re missing something, which is, who is going to marry you? Hiring a wedding celebrant is more than likely the last person on your list and this is because there are so many things to get done before the special day arrives. What most people fail to realise is the importance of having this step very well organised and that means having your wedding celebrant involved as early in your plans as you can.

Wedding plans on their own can be overwhelming and believe it or not, many people have forgotten to hire a wedding celebrant until the last minute. This step is a very important part of your wedding and really needs to get handled with care from the very beginning, and this is just as important whether the wedding is religious or not. When you are at the point of saying your vows, you want this special time to pass without incident. This is a very special time and you want this part of the wedding to be well organised, and as mistake free as possible.

A wedding celebrant can work with you on the ceremony, vow creation, words or scriptures that will be spoken, as well as picking something that really identifies with you and your reasons for marriage. A wedding celebrant is the person that speaks the words that begin your lifelong bond, and for this reason it is very important to have your wedding celebrant involved in how you would like your ceremony to play out. There are many different wedding celebrants to choose from and just as you would interview anyone of the other wedding cast members such as the photographer and caterers, you really need to pick a wedding celebrant that fits.

wedding ceremony, wedding rings

Wedding Photo: Absolute and Alive

Below we will list what is involved in hiring a wedding celebrant as well as some of the benefits you can look forward to.

What are some of the benefits of hiring a wedding celebrant? 

The first and most important benefit is professionalism. Wedding celebrants have an understanding about weddings that may even seem foreign to you. The reason for this is, this is what they do. They also provide a service that is personalised to each wedding event and this is important, especially in case you are having a ceremony that is nontraditional.

You would like to hire a wedding celebrant, now what?

It’s time to get started and in most cases you will begin at your church, if this is not adequate you will begin to converse with family members, friends, referrals, your local business directory, and search online. You will accumulate a list of wedding celebrants to call, but before you call to make a booking, you’ll need to make a list of your ideas for the ceremony as well as what you would like to expect. Once you’ve done those things make the call, ask your questions, and if satisfied, make a booking.

What are the costs I can expect for a wedding celebrant?

These costs will normally range from $400 to $950, but this could vary widely depending on the ceremony and what is expected from your celebrant. To give you a slight idea of what to look forward to, if you were to get married at your local registry, you would pay something close to $375. This will at least give you a starting point if nothing else, but an average would be close to $600.  Don’t forget it’s not just 1 hour of work on the day – Preparations and post wedding has to be considered, not to mention travel.

After talking to the wedding celebrant and agreeing on the ceremony details, how much time will they spend at my wedding?

The celebrant is required to arrive at the wedding at least 20 minutes early. When the ceremony has ended unless otherwise negotiated, they are not required to stay.

Do I need to help the celebrant on my wedding day?

Other than making them feel at home and welcome, the celebrant will normally have everything under control. If you could help with guests or have someone appointed for this at the time the ceremony begins, this would be a big plus.

Hiring a Perth wedding celebrant is a very important part of your wedding ceremony and shouldn’t be over looked. If you plan well, you will experience something that is awe-inspiring and this time in your life will be remembered for eternity.

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